Indonesia Cleaner Production Centre (ICPC)/ Pusat Produksi Bersih Nasional in Indonesia, together with UNIDO and Life Cycle Indonesia are currently promoting the Green Chemistry developed under the Yale-UNIDO Global Green Chemistry Initiative (GGCI). 

Aug 01, 20

The establishment of the Yogyakarta Batik RECP Club was supported by the Head of the Green Industry Center of the Ministry of Industry, UNIDO and PPBN.

Jan 29, 20

Swiss BeliNN Internasional Modern Cikande Serang, Rabu 30 Oktober 2019. This socialization activity was opened by the Head of the Environmental Office of Serang Regency, Ir Budi Prihasto, MM. And delivered about the purpose of the activities of the Socialization of Green Production Development Activities is to provide an overview of the application of environmentally friendly production which was informed through the resource persons present.

Nov 20, 19

On Friday, 21 December 2018, RECP Indonesia had an RECP Workshop for Industries in University of Hasanuddin attended by industries and academia from University Makasar and Hasanuddin University. We appreciate the Center of Research and Development for Environment - Hasanuddin University for helping us to facilitate this event.

Dec 22, 18


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