Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Indonesia

What we do

The national Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) programme in Indonesia aims to bolster competitiveness and profitability whilst also instilling responsible business practices and enhancing long term market access for key manufacturing and related sectors in Indonesia.

The RECP Programme focuses on main regional manufacturing hubs that drive economic development and job creation around Indonesia and are significant in terms of consumption of materials, energy and water and potential environmental impacts. These are: South Sulawesi; North Sumatera; West Java; Each Java and Central Java. In each of these manufacturing regions, training and assessment services are provided to selected demonstration enterprises, Furthermore, advocacy, networking and policy support are provided to scale up and mainstream RECP uptake in priority sectors and beyond.

The RECP Indonesia Programs

The RECP Programme links with the way in which aims and objectives of national policies and strategies are achieved, such as the Indonesian 10 year Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) programme and the Green Industry stipulations under the 2014 Law on Industrial Affairs. It also supports international commitments, including towards the realization of the universal 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the ASEAN 2025 Blueprints - Forging Ahead Together.

The RECP Programme is implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) with funding support from the Government of Switzerland, in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) and Ministry of Industry (MoI). The programme activities are delivered through national implementing partners, the Indonesian Cleaner Production Centre (ICPC), the Centre for Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Indonesia (CRECPI), the Centre for Assessment and Development of Green Industry and Environment (CADGIE) and Centre for Textiles Bandung (CTB).

The Project works towards five - categories of - 'contributing' outcomes, respectively:

The Project Works

Outcome 1 RECP Capacity and Network

Strengthen, develop and utilize professional and institutional capacity for adapting and adopting RECP methods, practices, and technologies. RECP service delivery capacity is further enhanced, through advocacy and knowledge management, wide-spread awareness raising on RECP opportunities and benefits, continued training of national experts, and establishment of facility of RECP (NRECP).

Outcome 2 RECP Implementation and Replication

Identify, evaluate, and support implementation of RECP opportunities in target enterprise groups through delivery of support services customized to the four main enterprise target groups: small scale industries (food, textile, chemical, metal), industrial zones (Makassar, Batam, and East Java), tourism regions and micro-enterprises including consecutively demonstration, adaptation, and replication steps.

Outcome 3 RECP Regulatory and Policy Framework

Contribute to creating at the suitable administrative levels mechanisms for mainstreaming RECP concepts, methods, and policy instruments in relevant industry (Green Industry/GI), environmental (Sustainable Consumption & Production/SCP), tourism (Green Tourism/GT) and energy/resource efficiency (Industrial Energy Efficiency/IEE) policies and strategies, leading to an increased role of RECP in government policy in Indonesia.

Outcome 4 RECP Technology and Innovation

Increase availability and affordability of suitable RECP technologies for the target enterprise groups, in particular those contributing to and/or inspired by Industrial Symbiosis (IS, Green Chemistry & Engineering (GC&E), and Cradle to Cradle (C2C). Upon identification, piloting, and evaluation of key RECP technologies, proposals will be developed and promoted for their adaptation and replication among target industries.

Outcome 5 RECP investment and Finance

Assess gaps in enterprise finance, propose and promote appropriate financial instruments for RECP investments in target enterprise groups to financial intermediaries, including through roundtables and other consultative formats wit domestic financial institutions, board of investment, and international financial institutions. Technical support will be provided for the pilot, evaluation, and scaling-up such financial instruments including through training and capacity building of financial institutions and business sector.

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