Swiss BeliNN Internasional Modern Cikande Serang, Rabu 30 Oktober 2019. This socialization activity was opened by the Head of the Environmental Office of Serang Regency, Ir Budi Prihasto, MM. And delivered about the purpose of the activities of the Socialization of Green Production Development Activities is to provide an overview of the application of environmentally friendly production which was informed through the resource persons present. And then it can be implemented in each industry in the development of production which is also environmentally friendly.
In this socialization activity, the introduction of the Environmental Management system (SNI ISO 14001:
2015) included:
- Implementation of 10YFP SCP
- Efficient utilization of natural resources
- Reducing Food Waste and Food Loss
- Management of Chemicals and Waste
- Reduce rubbish heaps
- Sustainable business practices
- Procurement of environmentally friendly goods / services
- Information, awareness, lifestyle
- Life capacity
- Sustainable tourism
- Rainalization of fossil fuel subsidies
ISO 14001 Standard:
- Provide a framework for an organization to protect the environment and be responsive to changing environmental conditions in balancing socio-economic needs.
- Helping the organization achieve the expected results of its SML that provide benefits to the environment, for the organization itself and its stakeholders. The expected results of implementing an SML that are consistent with organizational policies include:
- mprove environmental performance
- Fulfill structuring obligations
- Achieve environmental goals
In addition, the government program in the form of certification of environmentally friendly products (eco-labeling) to support responsible consumption and production described in 4 pillars:
- Pillars of social development
- Pillars of economic development
- The pillar of environmental development
- Pillars of law and governance development
Responsible production and consumption patterns are divided into 2:
1. Responsible production
- Does not produce pollutants
- Resource efficient and economically
- Safe and has no impact on health
- Provide incentives for conservation / independence of energy and natural resources
2. Consumption is responsible
- Using goods or services as meeting basic needs and providing a better quality of life and not endangering future generations.
Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Program In Indonesia, the RECP program is supported by 2 ministries of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry
and the Ministry of Industry
- Sectoral industries (food sector, metal products, textiles, chemicals)
- Micro Industry
- Tourism Industry
- Industrial Estate
The benefits of implementing the RECP program that can be felt from industries that apply are one of them is increasing revenue with cost savings, increasing productivity, improving quality, organizational
efficiency and operating permits. The application of RECP is adjusted to the conditions of each industry which also has their respective programs, the existence of an MOU with PPBN is expected so that RECP does not stop midway, regarding the cost of assistance will be carried out by PPBN with funding from the Swiss government.
- Harimurti
- Amelia Agusni
- Sunita Dasman
- Eko