Network for RECP in Indonesia (NRECPI) is established and operating as an active, multi-stakeholder, multi-functional network that fosters adaptation and adoption of RECP methods, policies, practices, and technologies. An Indonesian RECP networking initiative, structured as a two-pronged undertaking i.e comprising of an association (or society) of accredited professionals and a multi-stakeholder platform of institutions united by a shared commitment to foster the implementation of RECP in Indonesia. ICPC and UNIDO, as forum organizers, to take the lead in further developing both components, in close consultation with professional accreditation body and potential inaugural members of the envisioned multi-stakeholder platform, with the target to launch both towards the end of 2016.     

NRECPI members are different organizations that have an interest in the adoption of RECP, including government agencies of different administrative levels, industry and professional associations, training institutes, business services providers, technology suppliers, financial institutions, technology suppliers and community organizations. Its members is expected to develop and implement RECP activities commensurate with their respective mandates, and NRECPI will through its nodal agencies provide information and advice to support its members in doing so. NRECPI is being developed and promoted for MoEF under the 10SCP priority to consolidate the asset base for SCP in Indonesia. Its inaugural membership is expected to include ICPC, CAGIE, CRECPI and CTB.  

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