RECP clubs are defined as a group of companies coming together to share information, advice and experiences in RECP practices. These Clubs generally consist of between 5-8 companies (RECP members), from either the same industrial sector and same geographical area. Meetings are held every months and these are facilitated by an organisation that has experience in RECP procedures and is able to transfer this information to the Club members

RECP approach was appropriate and successfully applied for individual industries having information, knowledge resources and can initiate actions on their own. However, the results of these approaches were confined to that specific industry. To create a multiplier effect and promote Resource efficient Cleaner production (RECP) across the entire industrial spectrum a need was felt to develop/adopt appropriate supportive mechanisms. In this regard Indonesian Resource Efficient Cleaner Production centre (IRECPC) center decided to adopt successful model of Waste Minimization Circles (WMC) India to implement CP in industries using the concept of "Cleaner Production Circles". This project is being implemented Jointly by MOEF, MOI, MOT, CRECPI and CTB in co-operation with provincial/local authorities with the assistance of UNIDO and financial assistance by SECO.

RECP Club concept combines the methodology of RECP and concept of Quality Circles. The team concept of Quality Circles was extended from the team being a group of people from various departments of one Industry to a group of entrepreneurs wherein they will discuss about the areas available for RECP its potential and implementation of CP as self-help.

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