• In-House Workshop for Tourism Village Club
  • In-House Workshop for Tourism Village Club
  • Visited quail livestock at Gabugan Tourism Village
  • RECP Club Coordinator and Facilitator were having   discussion with Gabugan Tourism Village  management

After RECP Club Awareness Workshop, project continued its coordination with Sleman Tourism Office, regional (Magelang) facilitator of Ministry of Tourism, and Sleman-Magelang tourism stakeholders, resulting the establishment of 3 club in each regency (2 in Sleman and 1 in Magelang). Project then hired RECP club facilitator to manage 2 club in Sleman.

Confirmed RECP Club Participants

Sleman Magelang
Hotel/Restaurant Tourism Village Tourism Village/Handicraft

1. Hotel Aryuka
2. Hotel Borobudur
3. Hotel Cakra Kusuma
4. Hotel Tjiptorini Jaya
5. Hotel Yellow Star
6. Restoran Sasanti

1. Tourism Village Gabugan
2. Tourism Village Garongan
3. Tourism Village Pentingsari
4. Tourism Village Pancoh
5. Tourism Village Tunggularum
6. Tourism Village Tlatar Kandangan

1. Tourism Village Wanurejo
2. Language Village Borobudur
3. Tourism Village Banyubiru
4. Tourism VillageGemari Ngawen
5. Tourism Village Jamuskauman
6. Handicraft Lidiah Art

In follow up to the establishment of 2 club in Sleman, RECP Tourism Club Coordinator and Facilitator organized In-House Workshop for Tourism Village Club and Hotel&Restaurant Club - aimed to inform RECP Club participants about RECP Club approach, techniques, and methodology as well as experiences and benefits for tourism enterprises. Delivered in Sleman, Yogyakarta on 19-22 November followed by site visits to participating units.

1 unit from RECP Demo Unit, attended in-house workshop and conveyed their interest to join the club. During the workshop, participants selected the group leader for each club and decided the venue and topic discussion for the first RECP club meeting. The workshop then followed by site visits to club participating units to assess the RECP potential, collect preliminary data (whatever available) such as electricity, water, gas consumption, occupancy rate as well as waste generation and to provide checklist of information to be collected by facilitator before the first club meeting.

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